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A Buon Diritto ONLUS APS (ABD)
A Buon Diritto Onlus (ABD) is an Italian NGO which promotes and protects Human Rights in Italy. ABD offers free administrative and legal assistance, mainly on access to legal residence and to fundamental rights. ABD legal desk also assists persons at risk of statelessness, promoting the recognition of their status and related rights. The association publishes reports and researches on activities of interest, to promote the culture of rights.Â
A Buon Diritto ONLUS APS (ABD) website
Since 1991, Accem has worked to improve the living conditions of people in vulnerable situations, defending their human rights and ensuring equal opportunities regardless of race, creed, religion, gender or opinions. Accem works in 12 regions in Spain and provides specialized integral assistance and counselling to refugees, stateless persons, migrants and other groups at risk of social exclusion in Spain, towards the achievement of their full social integration. Accem develops programs around the field of reception, direct assistance, legal counselling, training and labour insertion.
Accem website
ADC Memorial
The mission of ADC Memorial is to defend the rights of victims of discrimination through a proactive response to human rights violations, including advocacy, legal assistance, human rights education, research, and publications. Our strategic Goals are: the eradication of all forms of discrimination; supporting adoption of anti-discrimination legislation; overcoming all forms of racism, homophobia and other minorities' rights violation and promoting human rights education. Our vision: is that the main condition in compliance with Human Rights principles should be non-discriminatory realisation of all the rights of each person. In the world of the future there should be no discrimination. Our aim is to protect the rights of minorities, migrants, stateless persons and other vulnerable people.
ADC Memorial website
Aditus Foundation
Aditus Foundation was established with a view to monitor, act and report on access to fundamental human rights by individuals and groups. Aditus Foundation was founded on the principles of the universality, interdependence and indivisibility of all fundamental human rights, and we strive to promote their understanding and application. As a generic human rights NGO, we work constantly to adopt a broad perspective for human rights in Malta, identifying themes such as non-discrimination and access to effective remedies. We also work towards highlighting the regional and international implications of human rights. Our main activities include the identification of priority areas, formulating advocacy strategies and working towards improvement in legal and administrative standards. We focus primarily on the Government of Malta, but also address the EU institutions, the UN, the Council of Europe and other relevant agencies. We remain in constant communication and cooperation with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental entities to maintain a comprehensive approach to our activities.
Aditus Foundation website
Adrian Berry
Adrian Berry is a Barrister at Garden Court Chambers and on the Executive Committee of the Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association (ILPA). He was a member of the Advisory Panel for the UNHCR/Asylum Aid study Mapping Statelessness in the UK. Adrian has an extensive practice in British nationality law, both in relation to historic Commonwealth based claims and contemporary issues concerning automatic acquisition of citizenship, naturalisation and registration, as well as loss of nationality. He has contributed to all parts of Fransman's British Nationality Law (3rd edition 2011), contributed the nationality law chapters to the JCWI Handbook 2006, contributed to Jackson and Warr's Immigration Law and Practice (2008) on the Right of Abode, and contributed the nationality law chapters to the Blackstone's Guide to the Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009 (OUP 2010). He has also contributed to responses to government consultation papers and advised peers in the House of Lords for ILPA. He was a member of the group of nationality law experts reviewing the draft Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the right to Nationality and the Prevention and Prohibition of Statelessness in Africa, and he was also a member of the Home Office Earned Citizenship Strategic Advisory Group.
Adrian Berry websiteAhmad Jaber
Ahmad Jaber, alias Ahmad Benswait, is a stateless researcher in the United Kingdom. He is originally from a minority indigenous to the lands of Kuwait but excluded from the right to Kuwaiti nationality since the country’s independence from Britain. Benswait’s research is informed by his lived experiences of statelessness, including being arbitrarily classed ‘illegal (Bidoon) resident’ in what has always been his homeland, the deprivation of basic human rights and forced migration.
Aija Lulle
Dr Aija Lulle is a lecturer at Loughborough University, UK. She was the founderdirector of the Centre for Diaspora and Migration Research, University of Latvia (2014-2015). She is an experienced researcher and consultant, and her expertise ranges from citizenship and kinship issues in the context of borders to diaspora. Her current interests are related to youth mobilities, ageing and migration as well as lives of transnational families, especially through broader notion of identities because of intra-European migration.
Aija Lulle websiteAIRE Centre
The AIRE Centre is an NGO whose mission is to promote awareness of European law rights and assist marginalised individuals and those in vulnerable circumstances to assert those rights.  We have two main activities: litigating cases before the European Court of Human Rights (as applicants’ representatives or as third-party interveners) and providing free legal advice to individuals and other advisers and lawyers, mainly on EU migration law.  We also carry out trainings and projects.  Our current focus areas include women’s rights, the rights of victims of human trafficking and of survivors of domestic violence and above all migrants’ rights.
AIRE Centre website
Aleksandra Semeriak
Aleksandra Semeriak Gavrilenok holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political and Administration Sciences and a Master’s degree in Migration Studies from the University Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona. A former non-citizen herself, she became actively involved in raising awareness of statelessness and minority rights, becoming an individual member of the ENS in 2015. Aleksandra is currently working in the field of refugee, asylum seeker and stateless people reception in Spain.
Aleksandra Semeriak websiteAleksejs Ivashuk
Aleksejs Ivashuk has never had any citizenship or nationality. He was born in Riga, Latvian Republic of USSR. Not long after his birth, Latvia gained independence and, contrary to political assurances, implemented policies that deprived its ethnic minorities of an equal right to citizenship. Â
Despite the numerous obstacles inherent in such a status, Aleksejs achieved a respectable level of educational and professional development. He graduated with a Master’s in Political Science from Simon Fraser University (SFU), Canada, and at undergraduate level, graduated with an Honours Philosophy and B.A. Political Science degrees from University of Winnipeg (UofW), Canada. Professionally, Aleksejs worked for the Canadian Green Party, U.S. Senate, and at global risk management firms Thomson Reuters and IPSA International, specializing in citizenship-by-investment programmes. In Canada, being actively involved with the Canadian Red Cross, he received an Award of Appreciation from the humanitarian organisation. He is the founder of Apatride Network, an organisation run by stateless people for stateless people.Â