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Description - Menschenrechte Schweiz is a Swiss non-profit organization founded in 1999 with the main aim of gathering and providing information, raising public awareness, monitoring state action and counselling on human rights issues and the human rights situation in Switzerland. Today, the online-platform is one of the most important independent information-platforms for international human rights in the German-speaking world. has particular expertise in coordinating and publishing reports and opinions on the human rights situation in Switzerland and has contributed to a number of reports to UN and Council of Europe monitoring bodies. In collaboration with ENS, the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion as well as Terre des hommes Foundation, has submitted a joint submission on statelessness to the Human Rights Council for the third Universal Periodic Review of Switzerland in 2017. further offers a legal aid program for persons in the penal system and coordinates a network for victims of racial discrimination. Finally, is very well connected as a founding member of the NGO Platform Human Rights Switzerland, a network of over 80 Swiss NGOs working in the field of human rights. - Menschenrechte Schweiz website