Membership types
Members' work area
Members' type of work
Aditus Foundation
Aditus Foundation was established with a view to monitor, act and report on access to fundamental human rights by individuals and groups. Aditus Foundation was founded on the principles of the universality, interdependence and indivisibility of all fundamental human rights, and we strive to promote their understanding and application. As a generic human rights NGO, we work constantly to adopt a broad perspective for human rights in Malta, identifying themes such as non-discrimination and access to effective remedies. We also work towards highlighting the regional and international implications of human rights. Our main activities include the identification of priority areas, formulating advocacy strategies and working towards improvement in legal and administrative standards. We focus primarily on the Government of Malta, but also address the EU institutions, the UN, the Council of Europe and other relevant agencies. We remain in constant communication and cooperation with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental entities to maintain a comprehensive approach to our activities.
Aditus Foundation websiteForum Réfugiés
Forum Réfugiés works to protect the needs and promote the rights of all asylum seekers, stateless persons and refugees. The four main activities of our association are: reception and legal accompaniment of asylum seekers, integration through work and accommodation of refugees, medical and psychological accompaniment, and legal counselling in administrative retention centres. Forum Réfugiés translates its practical work into policy and advocacy activities which aim at raising awareness about the situation of asylum seekers and refugees in France and Europe. Forum Réfugiés has developed a strong experience and expertise with regards to legislative advocacy. It promotes protection-oriented legislative reforms and policy initiatives at the national and European levels.
Forum Réfugiés websiteHuman Rights League
The Human Rights League is a civic association (non-governmental organisation) established in 2005. The basic aim of the association is reinforcing the respect for and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms arising from international, European or interstate instruments as well as from the Constitution of the Slovak Republic and other national laws. It combines direct, high-quality and free legal assistance to refugees and migrants in the Slovak Republic, including stateless persons, with advocacy and strategic litigation in the creation, enforcement and implementation of Slovak migration, asylum and integration policy.
Human Rights League websiteNorwegian Organisation for Asylum Seekers (NOAS)
The Norwegian Organisation for Asylum Seekers (NOAS) is an independent membership organisation working to protect the rights of asylum seekers in Norway. Its main activities are to give information and legal assistance to asylum seekers, as well as advocacy work toward the political establishment and the general public. NOAS’ largest assignment is the Information and counselling program commissioned by the Directory of Immigration (UDI), which provides information and counselling to asylum seekers shortly after arrival to Norway. NOAS aims to contribute to an asylum policy and practice rooted in humanism, justice and international obligations. NOAS’ focus is on rights for asylum seekers, which also includes stateless persons – approx. 4 -600 stateless persons register as asylum seekers in Norway each year.
Norwegian Organisation for Asylum Seekers (NOAS) websiteOrganization for Aid to Refugees (OPU)
OPU, the Organization for Aid to Refugees, is the oldest and largest non-governmental organisation in Czechia which assists refugees, stateless persons and migrants. We provide free in-person legal and social aid to refugees, stateless persons and migrants. OPU offers this help throughout the entire country by means of aid in all eight reception, accommodation and detention centers and five regional offices. OPU has been the watchdog of any unlawful practices and systemic failures of the Czech asylum and migration policy, including statelessness procedure. This helps us to create systemic change. OPU’s director and lawyers appear in media regularly, criticizing the Czech Ministry of Interior and laws that hurt migrants. OPU has successfully represented many refugees, stateless persons and their families, has fought against unlawful detention and prevented deportation of the most vulnerable individuals and has publicly reported on grave breaches of international law.
Organization for Aid to Refugees (OPU) websitePIC - Legal Centre for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment
PIC – Pravni center za varstvo človekovih pravic in okolja
PIC is a non-governmental organisation focusing on the protection of human rights and the environment. The main areas of work include the protection of the rule of law, refugee and migration law, environmental law and protection of victims of discrimination. PIC provides free legal help and representation and conducts extensive advocacy, policy and awareness activities.Â
PIC - Legal Centre for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment websiteRefugees Union in Portugal - UREP
The Union of Refugees in Portugal – UREP was created on May 10, 2013, formed by refugee communities in Portugal, with the aim of promoting and integrating refugees into Portuguese society. With several buffs of experience in intercultural mediation with refugees from different origins to understand their needs and committed to contributing to the well-being of all refugees in Portugal. UREP, through its actions, aims to understand the needs of refugees and collaborate with other responsible institutions to develop effective responses, contributing to a well-defined and successfully implemented strategy.
Refugees Union in Portugal - UREP websiteRights Georgia
Rights Georgia (formerly known as “Article 42 of the Constitution”) is a non-profit entity founded in September 1997 uniting professionals to promote human rights and freedom. Rights Georgia takes a multifaceted approach: promoting human rights awareness and supporting the development of national legislation to international human rights standards by monitoring state activities.Â
The mission of the organization is to assist the promotion of rights guaranteed in different international agreements and support their implementation; to support the establishment of the rule of law; to develop the system of justice; to support the work of human rights defenders; to work on public awareness about human rights and tolerance, and to support the enhancement of professional legal education.
Rights Georgia is a sole legal partner of the UNHCR in Georgia and the only organization in Georgia, which is focused on protecting and empowering asylum seekers, refugees, humanitarian status holders, and statelessness persons. Rights Georgia provides legal assistance and legal consultation to the persons of concern on asylum-related cases, as well as on access to rights and expulsion cases. Â
SdruĹľenĂ pro integraci a migraci
SdruĹľenĂ pro integraci a migraci (the Association for Integration and Migration (AIM)) is a non-profit, non-government organization based in Prague, Czechia. For the past 20 years it has provided legal and social counselling to third country nationals and stateless persons living in Czechia. AIM also attempts to use its legal counselling experience and knowledge in support of advocacy and legislative activities within Czechia and the wider EU.
SdruĹľenĂ pro integraci a migraci website