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Our Advisory Committee comprises a cross-section of our membership who provide additional advice and guidance to both the secretariat and the Board of Trustees.
Jyothi Kanics
Jyothi Kanics has a Masters in International Human Rights Law from the University of Oxford and a Masters in International Relations from Yale University. She is currently working as Director of Policy and Advocacy for Europe with Kids in Need of Defense. Since 1995 she has been active with NGOs and international organisations including UNICEF, UNHCR, Save the Children, Child Circle and OSCE ODIHR advocating for the rights of migrants in vulnerable situations such as separated children, trafficked persons, undocumented migrants and stateless persons. She is an active individual member of the European Network on Statelessness in Switzerland and advised the ENS on its #StatelessKids
Refugees Union in Portugal - UREP
The Union of Refugees in Portugal – UREP was created on May 10, 2013, formed by refugee communities in Portugal, with the aim of promoting and integrating refugees into Portuguese society. With several buffs of experience in intercultural mediation with refugees from different origins to understand their needs and committed to contributing to the well-being of all refugees in Portugal. UREP, through its actions, aims to understand the needs of refugees and collaborate with other responsible institutions to develop effective responses, contributing to a well-defined and successfully implemented strategy.
Refugees Union in Portugal - UREP website