WEBINAR Litigating on Statelessness: the right to respect for private and family life

1 October 2024 11:00 - 12:00 CEST

Watch our webinar with experts on statelessness and litigators on how the courts can play a role in developing and effectively implementing the right to a nationality and the human rights of stateless people.

Join us as we launch a new legal briefing on statelessness and the right to respect for private and family life, analysing how this right can secure protection routes for stateless people and uphold the right to a nationality and to birth registration.






Alexia Tizzano, ENS (Moderator)

Alexia Tizzano (Moderator)

Legal Coordinator, European Network on Statelessness

Nuala Mole, The AIRE Centre

Nuala Mole

Founder and Senior Lawyer, The AIRE Centre

Dr Carla Vlieks

Dr Caia Vlieks

Assistant Professor, Utrecht University

Individual ENS Member with lived experience

Webinar description

Litigation is a powerful tool to address injustice and tackle laws, policies, or practices that fail to protect stateless people. In 2021, we launched the first ever Statelessness Case Law Database containing summaries of judgments on statelessness from national, European, and international courts. Since the database was launched, we have drawn on it to produce valuable practical tools for litigators such as our recently updated Litigation Toolkit on Statelessness and a Legal briefing on the principle of non-discrimination and its impact on the prevention and reduction of statelessness among Romani communities in Europe.

In this webinar and the forthcoming briefing, we will discuss how statelessness interferes with the right to respect for private and family life, and how the courts can uphold that right: to protect stateless people, implement effective and accessible routes to regularisation, promote birth registration, and prevent the arbitrary denial of nationality. The webinar is an opportunity for lawyers, judges, NGOs, and other legal practitioners to further their understanding of the jurisprudence on statelessness and the role of the courts in addressing critical gaps.

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