Ahead of the High-Level Segment on Statelessness we have joined a global coalition of civil society organisations in issuing a statement to mark the midway point of UNHCR's #IBelong campaign. Entitled States Must Address Statelessness: Now is the time to Act the statement calls for action by governments and the UN with the support of civil society to address seven key challenges through often-simple actions that can be taken today to end statelessness.
Download the global civil society statement
Our response at a regional level
You can also read our blog Why Europe must redouble its efforts to tackle statelessness, as well as our High-Level Segment briefing, which identifies five key areas of action where the European Union, Council of Europe and European States can focus attention and resources in order to affect concrete reforms and support collective efforts to address statelessness.
Download the ENS HIgh-Level Sergment briefing
Lunchtime civil society event
In partnership with UNHCR and other international NGOs, we are organising a lunchtime civil society event at the Palais des Nations in Geneva on Monday 7 October (1.30 - 3pm). The event will take place during UNHCR’s High-Level Segment on Statelessness to mark the mid-point of the #IBelong campaign to end statelessness.
We are excited that the recently announced 2019 Nansen Award winner Azizbek Ashurov, Director of Ferghana Valley Lawyers Without Borders, will make a special appearance to talk about his work helping over 10,000 people to gain Kyrgyz nationality after they became stateless following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
This event, featuring an introduction by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi, will be moderated by ENS Director Chris Nash. It will showcase civil society efforts and work to end statelessness, and alongside the event there will be display stalls with reports, photo exhibits, multimedia and other information.