As a member of the Working Group on Identity Rights, currently co-chaired by Child Identity Protection and the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI), the European Network on Statelessness and multiple other organisations made a submission for input to the CRC Committee’s General Comment 27 on Access to Justice and Effective Remedies (AJER).
The submission highlights promising practices in response to observed challenges in AJER for rights violations, and present recommendations that call for scaling up of these practices in a sustainable manner. This joint submission follows and draws from an expert consultative meeting which took place in Geneva on 18 May 2024, where members of the Working Group, including ENS member Aleksandra Semeriak, convened to assist the CRC Committee in developing its General Comment 27. Â
Building on the findings and recommendations of the Expert Consultative Meeting as well as the Working Group on Identity Rights submission, ENS made a joint submission with ISI to the CRC Committee under this General Comment. The joint submission provides information on the specific barriers and minimum standards required to ensure access to justice and effective remedies in respect of the right to a nationality and for the human rights violations experienced by stateless children.Â