On Monday 14th October, the High-Level Segment on Statelessness (HLS) took place in Geneva. Held as part of this year’s UNHCR ExCom meeting, bringing together governments, regional institutions and UN bodies from across the globe, the event also marked the launch of the Global Alliance to End Statelessness.
Our Director, Chris Nash, spoke on the HLS opening panel to a packed-out Palais des Nations, alongside High Commissioner Filipo Grandi and stateless activists Noor Azizah and Nosizi Dube. After reflecting on recent progress, he called on UNHCR and the international community to increase its resourcing and prioritisation on tackling statelessness, noting that “if you can’t see a problem, you can’t fix it.”
Following the HLS, governments and regional institutions from across the world pledged their commitment to tackle statelessness. The challenge now is to convert these words into tangible action and impact.
Read our five key actions for what needs to happen next to ensure that the Global Alliance is successful in its mission.