WEBINAR: Litigating on Statelessness - the right to respect for family and private life


Watch our webinar with experts on statelessness and litigators on how the courts can play a role in developing and effectively implementing the right to a nationality and the human rights of stateless people.

Join us as we launch a new legal briefing on statelessness and the right to respect for private and family life, analysing how this right can secure protection routes for stateless people and uphold the right to a nationality and to birth registration.

Hosted by Alexia Tizzano from the European Network on Statelessness (ENS), we heard from three speakers: Nuala Mole, (founder and senior lawyer at The AIRE Centre), Dr Caia Vlieks (Assistant Professor at Utrecht University), and an ENS Member with lived statelessness experience.

In this webinar, we launched our latest briefing, and discuss how statelessness interferes with the right to respect for private and family life, and how the courts can uphold that right: to protect stateless people, implement effective and accessible routes to regularisation, promote birth registration, and prevent the arbitrary denial of nationality. 

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