Stateless Rights Collecative Blog

Advocating for Change in the Netherlands: The Stateless Rights Collective (SRC)

The Stateless Rights Collective (SRC) is a group of stateless individuals in the Netherlands advocating for the rights of people without aā€¦
/ Stateless Rights Collective, a collective standing up for the rights of stateless people in the Netherlands
Dutch flag Blog

New statelessness legislation in the Netherlands: worth the wait?

On the 6th of June 2023, Dutch Parliament finally passed a legislation package on statelessness that has been in the making since 2014. It introducesā€¦
/ Caia Vlieks, Utrecht University and Katja Swider, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Supreme Court of the Netherlands Blog

What a judge cannot see: statelessness determination in the Netherlands

After years of waiting, the Netherlands is close to introducing a judicial procedure to determine statelessness, but without effective access to aā€¦
/ Katja Swider, Assistant Professor, Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law, Free University of Amsterdam
Anas - Stateless in the Netherlands; Photo: Catharina Gerritsen for ASKV News

Netherlands adopts new bills on statelessness

While a positive step in the right direction, the new bills do not go far enough in resolving the issues experienced by stateless people in theā€¦
Rami, Tamara and kids, via ASKV. Photo by Catharina Gerritsen Blog

ā€œThe endless waiting has destroyed meā€ ā€“ will the Statelessness Bills discussed in the Dutch Parliament this week bring a solution for stateless people in the Netherlands?

Ahead of the 25th May debate in the Dutch parliament onĀ new draft legislation on statelessness, our Dutch members analyse the proposed laws, theirā€¦
/ Caia Vlieks, Research and Education Officer at the Institute on Statelessness & Inclusion and Marlotte van Dael, Project Coordinator Statelessness at ASKV Refugee Support
Rami, Tamara and kids, via ASKV. Photo by Catharina Gerritsen Blog

ā€œHet eindeloze wachten heeft mij kapot gemaaktā€ ā€“ zullen de wetsvoorstellen staatloosheid ter discussie in Tweede Kamer deze week een oplossing bieden voor staatlozen in Nederland?

In aanloop naar het debat van 25 meiĀ in de Tweede Kamer over nieuwe ontwerpwetgeving betreffende staatloosheid analyseren onze Nederlandse leden deā€¦
/ Caia Vlieks, Research and Education Officer, Institute on Statelessness & Inclusion en Marlotte van Dael, Project Coƶrdinator Staatloosheid, ASKV Steunpunt Vluchtelingen
ENS  logo on map of europe Publications

Joint Submission to Dutch Government consultation on new proposal to determine ā€œevidentā€ statelessness

JointĀ submission to a consultation on a proposed Dutch procedure to determine ā€œevidentā€ statelessness.
/ Submission
41 Publications

Submissions to the Human Rights Council at the 41st Session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

ENS makes submissions to the Human Rights Council both independently andĀ in collaboration with our members and partners. These submissions were madeā€¦
/ Submission
Levi Meir Clancy Blog

Expert opinion: How the Netherlands, France and the UK are leaving children stranded at risk of statelessness in Iraq and Syria

Thousands of children associated with alleged ā€˜foreign fightersā€™ have been detained in Iraq and Syria since the territorial fall of the Islamic Stateā€¦
/ Professor RenĆ© DeGroot (Professor emeritus, Maastricht University), PhilomĆØne Franssen (Independent consultant), Alison Harvey (Barrister at No5 Chambers) and Dr Rachel Pougnet (University of Bristol)
Photo by Alexander on Unsplash Publications

Joint submission to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination ā€“ Netherlands

Joint submission to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination ā€“ Netherlands
/ Submission
ENS  logo on map of europe Publications

Joint Submission to the Committee against Torture on the Netherlands

Joint Submission for the 72ndĀ session of the Committee against Torture on the rights, liberty and security of stateless people, the prohibition ofā€¦
/ Submission
First Group of Bhutanese Refugees arriving in The Netherlands on resettlement program Blog

Statelessness among resettled Bhutanese refugees in Europe: An unresolved problem

As part of one of the largest refugee resettlement programmes of its kind, over 2,000 refugees from Bhutan have been resettled to Europe since 2007.ā€¦
/ Ram Karki, former President of the Bhutanese Community in the Netherlands, Coordinator of Bhutan Watch and Head of the Global Campaign for the Release of Political Prisoners in Bhutan