Serbian Flag Publications

Submission to the ECtHR on Ramadani v. Serbia

In partnership with The AIRE Centre, ENS has filed a third-party intervention before the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Ramadani v.…
Submissions Publications

Submission to inform the European Commission 2024 Enlargement Package

Our written submission on progress towards addressing statelessness in EU Enlargement countries to inform the European Commission's (DG NEAR) 2024…
/ Submission
Submissions Publications

Joint submission on Serbia to the Human Rights Committee

Praxis and the European Network on Statelessness made a joint submission to the Human Rights Committee for the 140th Session, focusing the right to a…
/ Submission
ENS  logo on map of europe Publications

Submission to inform the European Commission 2023 Enlargement Package

Our written submission on progress towards addressing statelessness in EU Enlargement countries to inform the European Commission's (DG NEAR) 2023…
/ Submission
Roma flag Editorial

Breaking the cycle of anti-gypsyism and statelessness in Roma communities: Recent progress and the road ahead

ENS and our partners in the Western Balkans have been working together on our #RomaBelong project, funded by the Open Society Foundations, to…
/ Zoe Gardner, Policy & Research Manager, ENS
43rd session Publications

Submissions to the Human Rights Council at the 43rd Session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

ENS makes submissions to the Human Rights Council both independently and in collaboration with our members and partners. These submissions were made…
/ Submission
Image by Annie Spratt via Unsplash Blog

Birth registration of Roma children is becoming more difficult: a case study from Serbia

This piece draws on Praxis’ work providing free legal aid to people at risk of statelessness in Serbia. It details the case of Sara, a Roma child…
/ Milan Radojev, Legal Coordinator, Praxis
ENS  logo on map of europe Publications

Submission to inform the European Commission 2022 Enlargement Package: progress towards addressing statelessness

Our written submission on progress towards addressing statelessness in EU Enlargement countries to inform the European Commission's (DG NEAR) 2022…
/ Submission
(c) Greg Constantine Legally Invisible in Serbia Blog

Vicious circles of Roma statelessness in Serbia – A road map

The Roma community in Serbia continues to endure challenges when it comes to birth registration and citizenship acquisition. The risk of…
/ Ivanka Kostic – Advocacy Consultant on Statelessness, Praxis, Serbia
ENS  logo on map of europe Publications

European Network on Statelessness submission to inform the European Commission 2021 Enlargement Package

ENS' submission to inform the European Commission's 2021 Enlargement Package focuses on progress towards addressing statelessness in Enlargement…
/ Submission
Adobe Image Stock Publications

Submission to inform the European Commission 2020 Enlargement Package:progress towards addressing statelessness in Enlargement countries

Our written submission on progress towards addressing statelessness in EU Enlargement countries to inform the European Commission's (DG NEAR) 2020…
/ Submission
Country Briefing: Statelessness and refugees in Serbia Publications

Country Briefing: Statelessness and refugees in Serbia

Statelessness is a hidden problem affecting many refugees arriving in Europe.  Most countries in Europe are inadequately prepared to respond: only a…
/ Country briefing