tlas News

Removing barriers to birth registration in Albania - No child in Europe should grow up stateless

"I cannot register them at school or any hospital. I have only the two boys. I want... I only want to register my two boys..."

New #RomaBelong research documents the effects of statelessness on Roma living in Ukraine and sets recommendation on how to tackle it

Even though Ukraine was among the first post-Soviet countries to adopt its own legislation on citizenship, the issue of statelessness continues to be…
/ Mykhailo Sorochyshyn, The Tenth of April
RomaBelong -  Ukraine report Publications

#RomaBelong - Statelessness, Discrimination and Marginalisation of Roma in Ukraine

Produced by the by the civic organisation “Desyate Kvitnya” (10th April), European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC), the European Network on Statelessness (…
/ Report

#RomaBelong Workshop – European Youth Centre, Strasbourg; 10–11 Oct 2018

Since 2016, the European Network on Statelessness has been working in partnership with the European Roma Rights Centre and the Institute on…
ENS  logo on map of europe Publications

Joint alternative report on Serbia to the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

Alternative report on Serbia prepared by Praxis, the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion, the European Network on Statelessness and the European…
/ Submission

Addressing Roma statelessness in Albania and beyond

On Friday we published the latest report in our #RomaBelong series, a country study focusing on the link between statelessness, marginalisation and…
/ Nina Murray, European Network on Statelessness and Anisa Metalla, Tirana Legal Aid Society
RomaBelong -  Albania report Publications

#RomaBelong - Statelessness, Discrimination and Marginalisation of Roma in Albania

Produced by the Tirana Legal Aid Society (TLAS), European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC), the European Network on Statelessness (ENS) and the Institute on…
/ Report

Shining a light on the link between statelessness and minorities

The UN Special Rapporteur on Minorities, Fernand de Varennes, is currently in the process of compiling a thematic report on the link between…
/ Nina Murray - Head of Policy & Research at the European Network on Statelessness (ENS)

#RomaBelong – Broadening the debate on how to end Roma statelessness

During the International Week against Racism (12-25 March 2018) one of the events organised in Munich looked at the issue of statelessness among…
/ Kateryna Gaidei, Tenth of April (Desyate Kvitnya)

Harmonising standards on statelessness determination in Europe

Nationality is the closest legal tie between a natural person and a state. Stateless individuals lack this bond. To provide stateless persons with…
/ Noémi Radnai, JD in Law, Eötvös Loránd University and MA in International Relations, Corvinus University of Budapest

How to square a circle: contemplating the shades of minority statelessness

In present times, ever more people dream of not being tied up to a certain state and becoming ‘citizens of everywhere’. This post-national dream…
/ Dr Julija Sardelić, Marie Curie Skłodowska Postdoctoral Fellow LINES – Leuven International and European Studies, University of Leuven

“The applicant, a stateless person” – Roma, statelessness and the European Court of Human Rights

On 15 June 2017, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), communicated the case HASANI v. the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Application…
/ Ivan Kochovski, Member of Macedonian Young Lawyers Association