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Submission to the ECtHR on Ramadani v. Serbia
In partnership with The AIRE Centre, ENS has filed a third-party intervention before the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Ramadani v.…
Briefing on the right to a nationality of children born to Palestinian parents in Belgium
In response to recent reports that the Belgian Immigration Office has incentivised municipalities to withdraw the Belgian nationality of children…
Joint submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child on Romania
The Jesuit Refugee Service (Romania), European Network on Statelessness (ENS), and Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI) made a joint…
Addressing the Risks of Statelessness Among Children in Migration In Europe
This report presents the findings of action research by ENS members in five European countries on the risks of statelessness facing children and…
Joint submission to the Committee Against Torture on Montenegro
Joint submission to the Committee Against Torture on Montenegro
Nationality & Borders Bill Briefing for House of Lords Committee Stage
This briefing concerns Clause 9 ‘deprivation of citizenship’ and Clause 10 ‘stateless minors’ of Part 1 (Nationality) of the Nationality &…
Romani women’s activism and role in addressing statelessness in Europe
The voices of Romani women are all too often missing from policy debates on statelessness and legal identity. ENS has come together with Romani women…
Joint submission to the UK House of Commons Public Bill Committee: Nationality & Borders Bill
This joint submission by the European Network on Statelessness (ENS), the Project for the Registration of Children as British Citizens (PRCBC), and…
Joint submission to the Human Rights Committee on North Macedonia
Joint submission to the Human Rights Committee on North Macedonia
#StatelessnessINDEX Thematic Briefing: Deprivation of nationality and the prevention of statelessness in Europe
Most people regard their nationality as a secure legal status. However, in the recent past, deprivation of nationality has become increasingly…
Invisible Kids: Childhood statelessness in the UK
Childhood statelessness in the UK is not currently adequately understood by government officials, legal practitioners, judges, politicians, policy…