Country flags for all StatelessnessINDEX countries Editorial

Are we on the right track to address statelessness in Europe?

This time last year, I was reflecting on how governments across Europe are failing to take sufficient action to break the cycle of statelessness in…
Georgia and Türkiye images News

Launch of two new statelessnessINDEX countries - Georgia and Türkiye

Today, we are launching new country profiles on Georgia and Türkiye. This brings the total number of StatelessnessINDEX countries to 32.

Russia reforms immigration detention laws after decade-long campaign

Russia has enacted reforms to its immigration detention laws, introducing time limits and judicial oversight on the detention of stateless people.…
Chinatown, Manchester Blog

Statusless and Stateless Chinese Migrants in the UK

This blog was first published by Border Criminologies in April 2021. We are re-posting it now to highlight the issues raised.
/ Siyu Luo, Doctoral Candidate in Criminology at the University of Manchester, UK.
ENS  logo on map of europe Publications

Joint Submission to the Committee against Torture on the Netherlands

Joint Submission for the 72nd session of the Committee against Torture on the rights, liberty and security of stateless people, the prohibition of…
/ Submission
ENS  logo on map of europe Publications

Joint Submission to the Committee against Torture on Belgium

Joint Submission for the 71st session of the Committee against Torture on the rights of stateless persons and human rights challenges pertaining to…
/ Submission
List of speakers at ENS' webinar "Annual state of play assessment on statelessness in Europe" Videos

WEBINAR: Annual state of play assessment on statelessness in Europe

This webinar was timed to correspond with the publication of our annual StatelessnessINDEX state of play assessment and discuss key trends with…
/ Video
A presentation of the StatelessnessINDEX Editorial

Three years on, ENS #StatelessnessINDEX points to slow and fragile progress towards ending statelessness in Europe

Today we are launching the annual update of our Statelessness Index, which now assesses and compares 27 European countries, examining how they…
/ Nina Murray - Head of Policy & Research, European Network on Statelessness
Russias Constitutional Court decision helps to protect stateless detainees as legal change approaches Blog

Russia’s Constitutional Court decision helps to protect stateless detainees as legal change approaches

In Russia, tens of thousands of stateless people are at risk of spending years in detention, but legal change is on the way. 
/ Stephania Kulaeva - Executive Director, ADC Memorial
Portugal Blog

Statelessness in Portugal: law, policy and practice at a glance

In March, the Portuguese Refugee Council partnered with ENS to add a country profile page on Portugal to the Statelessness Index. Statelessness is…
/ Inês Carreirinho, Legal Protection Coordinator, Portuguese Refugee Council (CPR)

ENS Interview - Valeria Ilareva

ENS caught up with Valeria Ilareva, the Head Lawyer and the Chairperson of the Foundation for Access to Rights, a Bulgaria based civil society…

Bulgaria: Celebrating progress and staying vigilant about remaining gaps

Since Bulgaria ratified both the 1954 and the 1961 Statelessness Conventions in 2012, it has made significant progress in its treatment of stateless…
/ Magdalena Miteva and Valeria Ilareva, Foundation for Access to Rights - FAR