ARC Blog

Understanding Statelessness through Country of Origin Information (COI)

Country of Origin Information (COI) is an important element in refugee status determination procedures, as it helps to evaluate whether there is a…
/ Stephanie Huber, Director of Asylum Research Centre (ARC) Foundation and Nina Murray, Head of Policy and Research, The European Network on Statelessness
British passport Blog

Representing stateless people in the UK: a practitioner’s view

A recently published UNHCR audit of statelessness determination in the UK showed that, whilst there is some positive practice in the UK’s…
/ Claire Splawn - Statelessness Project Coordinator and Caseworker, Asylum Aid

Clash of Constitutional Courts on addressing statelessness: Dominican Republic and Colombia

Dominican Republic and Colombia have taken very different approaches to the recognition of the right to a nationality for children born on their…
/ Paola Pelletier, LLM. Dominican Law Professor of International Private Law and Human Rights at PUCMM University, and Member of Reconocido Movement (Statelessness Movement)

Burden of proof in statelessness cases and the meaning of “by operation of its law”

The UK’s practice of depriving persons of their British citizenship when they are outside its territory belies its assurance, in the form of a duly…
/ Alison Harvey, Barrister at No5 Chambers

New joint efforts towards ending statelessness in Sweden

On 10 December, the UNHCR Regional Representation for Northern Europe organized a breakfast seminar on statelessness in Sweden, bringing together not…
/ Jehna Al-Moushahidi, Founder of the Swedish Organization Against Statelessness

Improvements and challenges in UK’s new guidance on statelessness applications

The new Tottenham Hotspur football team manager, José Mourinho, recently vowed that he won't repeat his past mistakes, but instead will make new…
/ Cynthia Orchard, Statelessness Policy and Casework Coordinator at Consonant (formerly Asylum Aid)

Dutch municipalities take matters into their own hands while national government fails to provide solution for stateless people in the Netherlands

After years of advocacy efforts by civil society and UNHCR to persuade the Dutch government to improve its protection of stateless people, the…
/ Marlotte van Dael (Project coordinator & Researcher at ASKV Refugee Support) & Rene Rouwette (Executive Director at Kompass)

How the Dutch immigration office prevented a strategic litigation case from unfolding in a decisive court decision for stateless individuals without legal stay

It all started in 2009. The then 22-year-old Nayif Negim travelled from Qatar, where he was born and raised, to Sweden. He had a valid visa to stay…
/ Marlotte van Dael (Project coordinator & researcher, ASKV Refugee Support)
UK Statelessness travel document Blog

UK Home Office changes to Immigration Rules on statelessness: a mixed bag

The extension of stateless leave from 2.5 to 5 years is very welcome; other changes to the Immigration Rules relating to statelessness raise concerns.
/ Cynthia Orchard, Statelessness Policy and Casework Coordinator at Asylum Aid and Judith Carter, Lecturer and In-house Solicitor at the Liverpool Law Clinic

The moment of truth for undocumented stateless people in the Netherlands

The legislative proposal published by the Ministry of Justice and Security in September 2016 to introduce a statelessness determination procedure (…
/ Marlotte van Dael, Project Coordinator & Researcher at ASKV Refugee Support

Hoti v. Croatia – a landmark decision by the European Court of Human Rights on residence rights of a stateless person

Last week the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) found that Croatia’s failure to ensure stability of residence for Mr. Hoti, who lived in Croatia…
/ Katja Swider, University of Amsterdam
ENS  logo on map of europe News

ENS member aditus foundation says it's time for Malta to ratify the 1954 Convention

The European Association of Former Members of Parliament of the Member States of the Council of Europe hosted a seminar in Malta on 3 November,…