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A life-changing experience: reflecting on the "Statelessness in Scotland” workshop in Edinburgh
Delivering a workshop at the Scottish Government building in Edinburgh was a transformative experience that marked a milestone in my journey as a…
Citizens of Nowhere: Statelessness and the quest to belong
What does it mean to be invisible in a world defined by borders? Journalist Anna Rascouët-Paz brings you into the lives of citizens of nowhere and…
Telling Stories of Statelessness
“Stateless is a disease, like the cholera, like the malaria, like any other disease.” These are the words that Mohin Shahin, a Palestinian man who…
Legal briefing: Statelessness and the right to respect for family and private life
Read our new legal briefing on statelessness and the right to respect for family and private life.
Building Solidarity: the launch of the Statelessness and Dignified Citizenship Coalition - Asia-Pacific
Statelessness is a widespread yet often overlooked issue, with an estimated 15 million people worldwide living without nationality. However, the…
WEBINAR Litigating on Statelessness: the right to respect for private and family life
Watch our webinar with experts on statelessness and litigators on how the courts can play a role in developing and effectively implementing the right…
Legal briefing: Statelessness and the prohibition on discrimination against Romani communities
This legal briefing analyses the principle of non-discrimination and its impact on the prevention and reduction of statelessness among Romani…
Birth registration of Roma children is becoming more difficult: a case study from Serbia
This piece draws on Praxis’ work providing free legal aid to people at risk of statelessness in Serbia. It details the case of Sara, a Roma child…
Transforming Gender Discriminatory Legal Frameworks: Reflecting on Transitional Justice as a Site for Combating Statelessness in Syria
This blog was first published by the University of Melbourne's Critical Statelessness Studies Blog in January 2022. We are re-posting it now to…
Vicious circles of Roma statelessness in Serbia – A road map
The Roma community in Serbia continues to endure challenges when it comes to birth registration and citizenship acquisition. The risk of…
Citizenship stripping as alternative border control: Syrian counter-perspectives
This blog was first published by Routed Magazine in May 2021. We are re-posting it now to highlight the issues raised.