"Statelessness in Scotland" workshop participants in Edinburgh Blog

A life-changing experience: reflecting on the "Statelessness in Scotland” workshop in Edinburgh

Delivering a workshop at the Scottish Government building in Edinburgh was a transformative experience that marked a milestone in my journey as a…
/ Abdelrahman Touman, ENS Legal & Policy Volunteer
Statelessness: Citizens of Nowhere Blog

Citizens of Nowhere: Statelessness and the quest to belong

What does it mean to be invisible in a world defined by borders? Journalist Anna Rascouët-Paz brings you into the lives of citizens of nowhere and…
/ Anna Rascouët-Paz, Journalist
Being Stateless: an oral history project Blog

Telling Stories of Statelessness

“Stateless is a disease, like the cholera, like the malaria, like any other disease.” These are the words that Mohin Shahin, a Palestinian man who…
/ Jordana Silverstein, Senior Research Fellow at the Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness, Melbourne Law School
Strasbourg_ECtHR Publications

Legal briefing: Statelessness and the right to respect for family and private life

Read our new legal briefing on statelessness and the right to respect for family and private life.
/ Briefing
A community supported by SDCC-AP, photographed by Qasim Ali Blog

Building Solidarity: the launch of the Statelessness and Dignified Citizenship Coalition - Asia-Pacific

Statelessness is a widespread yet often overlooked issue, with an estimated 15 million people worldwide living without nationality. However, the…
/ Tahera Hasan, lawyer, founder of Imkaan Welfare Organization, and Steering Committee member of SDCC-AP.
Webinar: Right to respect of family and private life Events

WEBINAR Litigating on Statelessness: the right to respect for private and family life

Watch our webinar with experts on statelessness and litigators on how the courts can play a role in developing and effectively implementing the right…
01 October 2024 11:00 - 12:00 CEST
people Publications

Legal briefing: Statelessness and the prohibition on discrimination against Romani communities

This legal briefing analyses the principle of non-discrimination and its impact on the prevention and reduction of statelessness among Romani…
/ Briefing
Image by Annie Spratt via Unsplash Blog

Birth registration of Roma children is becoming more difficult: a case study from Serbia

This piece draws on Praxis’ work providing free legal aid to people at risk of statelessness in Serbia. It details the case of Sara, a Roma child…
/ Milan Radojev, Legal Coordinator, Praxis
Image by Katherine Hanlon via Unsplash Blog

Transforming Gender Discriminatory Legal Frameworks: Reflecting on Transitional Justice as a Site for Combating Statelessness in Syria

This blog was first published by the University of Melbourne's Critical Statelessness Studies Blog in January 2022. We are re-posting it now to…
/ Roua Al Taweel, PhD researcher at Ulster University’s Transitional Justice Institute (TJI)
(c) Greg Constantine Legally Invisible in Serbia Blog

Vicious circles of Roma statelessness in Serbia – A road map

The Roma community in Serbia continues to endure challenges when it comes to birth registration and citizenship acquisition. The risk of…
/ Ivanka Kostic – Advocacy Consultant on Statelessness, Praxis, Serbia
Image by Abd Sarakbi via Unsplash. Blog

Citizenship stripping as alternative border control: Syrian counter-perspectives

This blog was first published by Routed Magazine in May 2021. We are re-posting it now to highlight the issues raised.
/ Thomas McGee, PhD researcher in the Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness at University of Melbourne’s Law School, Australia
Assam North East, India, Harvesting, Rural women workers are plucking tender tea shoots in tea gardens Blog

Statelessness in the Asia Pacific: The birth of Nationality for All

With the increase in cases of statelessness in the Asia Pacific region and the impact of COVID-19 on stateless persons, Statelessness Network Asia…
/ Subin Mulmi, Executive Director, Nationality for All (NFA)