Gran Canaria Airport, Spain by Yeray Sánchez via Unsplash. Blog

Stateless people at the border: the scenario in Spain

La versión en español de este blog está disponible aquí.  In terms of support offered to stateless people, in many respects Spain has some of Europe…
/ Jesús Tolmo García, Visiting Researcher at the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI) & PhD Candidate
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Joint submission to Belgian Parliament on new legislative proposal for a stateless protection status

On 1 March 2019, ENS and its Belgian member, NANSEN, submitted joint comments to the Home Affairs Committee of the Belgian Federal Parliament on a…
/ Submission
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Amicus curiae on stateless persons' right to residence

This is an anonymised version of an amicus curiae which the European Network on Statelessness has submitted to a Norwegian court. The amicus…
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Consultation submission on the proposed statute law for a statelessness determination procedure in the Netherlands

Joint submission by ASKV/Refugee Support and the European Network on Statelessness as part of the consultation to the proposed statute law for a…
/ Submission

Statelessness protection in Belgium

In its report of 2013 (Mapping Statelessness in Belgium ), the UNCHR has estimated the total number of people affected by nationality problems in…
/ Christelle Chiurulli, Lawyer, Belgium

From Commitments to Achievements? The Zagreb Declaration on Access to Civil Documentation and Registration in South Eastern Europe

We know that there are still around 20,000 people who lack basic civil documentation and registration in South East Europe. This figure can only be…
/ Stéphanie Marsal, Senior Advisor, Office of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities

No Residence, No Rights

In many countries there is a circle of rights which are reserved only for their own nationals and that is one of the main facts that gives…
/ Milijana Trifkovic, Legal Analyst, Praxis

Statelessness Status Determination in Italy: Quality Assurance Needed!

Previous posts have highlighted the importance of statelessness status determination procedures for providing protection to stateless persons (here…
/ Laura Bingham, legal officer for the equality/citizenship issue area of the Open Society Justice Initiative
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An instant best practice: Philippines’ new Stateless Status Determination Procedure

The Philippines made history this week by becoming the first state in Asia to put a statelessness determination procedure in place. This move follows…
/ Laura van Waas, Senior Researcher and Manager, Statelessness Programme

Stateless in the Netherlands: Stuck in paradise?

The Netherlands is a splendid country in many ways. Despite amusing political bickering, it’s a stable democracy. Despite the occasional judicial…
/ Karel Hendriks, Statelessness research consultant