France Blog

French Administrative Supreme Court rejected a stateless status application from a Sahrawi applicant

France's highest administrative court has denied statelessness status to a Sahrawi-born individual residing in the country since 2013. The decision,…
/ Maëliss GUILLAUD, Esq. Immigration and Asylum Attorney, New York Bar and French (Lille) Bar
Gran Canaria Airport, Spain by Yeray Sánchez via Unsplash. Blog

Stateless people at the border: the scenario in Spain

La versión en español de este blog está disponible aquí.  In terms of support offered to stateless people, in many respects Spain has some of Europe…
/ JesĂşs Tolmo GarcĂ­a, Visiting Researcher at the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI) & PhD Candidate
Gran Canaria Airport, Spain by Yeray Sánchez via Unsplash. Blog

Apátridas en la frontera, el caso español

En materia de apoyo ofrecido a las personas apátridas, España, en bastantes aspectos, cuenta con algunos ejemplos de buenas prácticas. Sin embargo,…
/ JesĂşs Tolmo GarcĂ­a, Investigador visitante en el Instituto de Apatridia e InclusiĂłn (ISI), doctorando en derecho internacional
Tindouf Blog

Without a nationality but not stateless: the recent judgment of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court in a case concerning the nationality status of a refugee originating from Western Sahara

In August 2021, the Swiss Supreme Federal Court, the highest judicial authority in Switzerland, issued a decision concerning the nationality status…
/ Cecilia Manzotti – PhD candidate, University of Sussex
Paisaje Campamentos, Tindouf, Algeria. Blog

From colonial subjects to stateless refugees

The exact number of people who were forcibly displaced in the 1970s to the Tindouf refugee camps set up by the Algerian state is unknown, but…
/ Aminetou Errer Bouzeid, LEFRIG Project Coordinator and Social Worker
Map of the Berm wall Blog

Political limbo and statelessness in Africa’s last colony

The Saharawi people have been stateless for over 40 years since Western Sahara was occupied by Morocco in 1975. Danielle Smith, Founding Director of…
/ Danielle Smith - Founding Director, Sandblast Arts and Dr. Violeta Ruano

A ray of hope for stateless Sahrawis in Spain?

The majority of the applications for the statelessness status in Spain come from applicants of Western Saharan origin, or Sahrawis[1]. However, this…
/ Valeriia Cherednichenko, PhD researcher in Advanced Studies in Human Rights at Charles III University of Madrid (Spain)