Statelessness: Citizens of Nowhere Blog

Citizens of Nowhere: Statelessness and the quest to belong

What does it mean to be invisible in a world defined by borders? Journalist Anna Rascouët-Paz brings you into the lives of citizens of nowhere and…
/ Anna Rascouët-Paz, Journalist
Birth Registration and the prevention of statelessness in Europe: front cover Publications

Birth registration and the prevention of statelessness in Europe: identifying good practices and remaining barriers

Birth registration is a key way to prevent statelessness and ensure every child can acquire a nationality. Yet, some children in Europe still face…
/ ENS Briefing
Strasbourg_ECtHR Publications

Legal briefing: Statelessness and the right to respect for family and private life

Read our new legal briefing on statelessness and the right to respect for family and private life.
/ Briefing
Submissions Publications

Joint submission to the Human Rights Committee on Poland

The Halina Nieć Legal Aid Center (HNLAC), with the support of European Network on Statelessness, made a joint submission to the Human Rights…
/ Submission
Submissions Publications

Joint submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child on General Comment 27

As a member of the Working Group on Identity Rights, currently co-chaired by Child Identity Protection and the Institute on Statelessness and…
/ Submission
Mother and child walking Blog

Mutual recognition of parenthood across the EU could prevent statelessness

In December 2022, the European Commission proposed a regulation to harmonise at EU level the rules of private international law relating to…
/ Belinda Dear, Senior Advocacy Officer, ILGA-Europe
Belgian flag with a blue sky in the background Publications

Briefing on the right to a nationality of children born to Palestinian parents in Belgium

In response to recent reports that the Belgian Immigration Office has incentivised municipalities to withdraw the Belgian nationality of children…
/ Briefing
Buildings of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Kirchberg, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, in November 2006 with flags of the then 25 member states in the foreground. To the right is Anneau building, which encircles the Ancien Palais building. In the centre background is the Thomas More building. News

ECJ Advocate-General Opinion on Palestinian Refugees: A Step in the Right Direction

ENS welcomes the opinion issued by Advocate-General Emiliou of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) as a step in the right direction to addressing and…
Submissions Publications

Joint submission on Georgia to the Committee on the Rights of the Child

Rights Georgia and the European Network on Statelessness made a joint submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child for the 97th Pre-…
/ Submission
Dutch flag Blog

New statelessness legislation in the Netherlands: worth the wait?

On the 6th of June 2023, Dutch Parliament finally passed a legislation package on statelessness that has been in the making since 2014. It introduces…
/ Caia Vlieks, Utrecht University and Katja Swider, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
panel Videos

WEBINAR: Children’s right to a nationality and birth registration

This webinar aims to build practical awareness of how to recognise risks of statelessness and ensure that refugee children are protected and have…
/ Video
Panel Events

WEBINAR: Children’s right to a nationality and birth registration

This webinar aims to build practical awareness of how to recognise risks of statelessness and ensure that refugee children are protected and have…
16 May 2023 13:00 - 13:45 CEST