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- 1961 Statelessness Convention
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Submission to the UK Government Home Office Consultation on its ‘New Plan for Immigration’
ENS urges the UK Government to ensure that any proposed amendment to the statelessness provision in British Nationality law does not make it more…
Iceland’s accession to UN Statelessness Conventions reminds us how much more still needs to be done across Europe
On 26th January, Iceland acceded to the 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of…
How far do citizenship laws in European Union Member States safeguard the children born there from statelessness?
Most European Union Member States participate in the international conventions concerning statelessness of 1954 and 1961, and have certain laws that…
Spain accedes to the Convention on Reduction of Statelessness
This week some good news from Spain as it formally acceded to the 1961 UN Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. At an event hosted by the…
In praise of the 1961 Statelessness Convention
It is a lot better to have a stateless person’s travel document than to be undocumented.
Stateless persons’ entitlement to citizenship and Denmark’s call for dilution of state obligations
Since 2011, Danish politicians have called for a reinterpretation, modernisation or change of the 1961 UN Convention on the Reduction of…
Norwegian Government condemns stateless children to a state of legal limbo
A new proposal by the Norwegian Government will leave children born stateless in Norway who are habitually resident without a nationality until they…
Deprivation of nationality in France: first draft of the constitutional act narrowly approved by the National Assembly
A draft constitutional act has been put forward by the French President, François Hollande, only three days after the terrorist attacks in Paris last…
“What do you mean by stateless?” – Arbitrary detention of stateless persons in Poland
In Poland statelessness doesn’t exist. Or so it would seem, for there are almost no official records of stateless persons. Those who are stateless…
Romania’s stateless children – still unknown, still invisible
When I started working on statelessness in 2009 I was told by more experienced colleagues from civil society organizations, as well as by public…
States as a root cause of statelessness
What is the root cause of statelessness? There are many answers to this question – conflict of nationality laws, gender discrimination, persecution…