Group News

ENS stateless changemakers meet with EU and Council of Europe policymakers in Strasbourg

The voices of people with lived experience of statelessness need to be heard in places where the decisions that affect them are made. That’s why last…
1_Hal_Gatewood (cover image) Blog

Preventing and solving statelessness in European law

Within the member states of the Council of Europe and the European Union, much remains to be done to address statelessness. While the laws created by…
/ Caia Vlieks, Research & Education Officer, Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion
Strasbourg conference; Image via Council of Europe Blog

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and statelessness on Roma women and girls

In November 2021, the 8th International Roma Women’s Conference took place in a hybrid format, organised by the Council of Europe’s Roma and…
/ Valerie Poppe, Roma and Travellers Team, Council of Europe
Christophe Interviews

Interview with Christophe Poirel, Director of Human Rights at the Council of Europe

Following an important international statelessness conference organised in September by the Council of Europe and the UN Refugee Agency, ENS spoke…
International Roma Women's Conference Blog

Spotlighting Romani women’s activism and role in addressing statelessness in Europe

This blog is part of a collaboration between the European Network on Statelessness (ENS) and Romani women activists. Here, we want to draw attention…
/ Nina Murray, Michelle Van Burik, Sonja Barbul, Ina Majka, Brisilda Taco, Alison Huyghe and Tamara Smith
Lynn News

Time To Agree Concerted Action: Follow-up on Council of Europe and UNHCR statelessness conference

Last month we and our members were out in force at an important international statelessness conference organised by the Council of Europe and the UN…
Council of Europe Editorial

Bridging the gap – can a Council of Europe initiative and intergovernmental conference next week deliver improved protection for stateless people?

I have lost count of the number of determined but wistful expressions I have seen on the faces of stateless people desperately seeking to end their…
/ Chris Nash, Director of the European Network on Statelessness
Handbook on European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration Blog

FRA-ECtHR updated Handbook on European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration: Helping to implement fundamental rights safeguards

European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration is developing fast. The European Convention on Human Rights and European Union (EU) law both…
/ Andreina De Leo, Early Stage Researcher, Maastricht University Faculty of Law; former trainee at the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights
Cover image Publications

Situation assessment of statelessness, health, and COVID-19 in Europe

Our new report exposes specific challenges stateless people face as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic and responses needed to address them. 
/ Report
Atlas of the Stateless Blog

Europe: Not yet a model for the world

The Old Continent – and the European Union in particular – likes to see itself as a model of democracy and human rights. But it is home to a…
/ Chris Nash, Director of the European Network on Statelessness

Fresh opportunities to tackle statelessness through a new Council of Europe led initiative

We start 2020 facing uncertainty in many parts of the globe. One source of uncertainty for us here in Europe, is the UK’s imminent departure from the…
/ Chris Nash – Director, European Network on Statelessness

Interview with Christos Giakoumopoulos, Director General of the Directorate for General Human Rights and Rule of Law (DGI) of the Council of Europe

Following our lunchtime event in Strasbourg at the Council of Europe, ENS spoke with Christos Giakoumopoulos, Director General of the Directorate for…