Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, USA Blog

The long shot: statelessness and the US visa lottery

Many people, including me, won a ‘nationality lottery’ at birth. We were born with automatic citizenship of our country of birth, or with the same…
/ Cynthia Orchard, Consultant working with ENS and other organisations
Pavel Editorial

Seeking a place to belong: addressing statelessness among refugee children in Europe

As part of our Stateless Journeys project, ENS has been working with our members in five European countries to address cases of statelessness among…
/ Patrícia Cabral, Legal Policy Coordinator, ENS and Nina Murray, Head of Policy & Research, ENS
British passport Blog

Representing stateless people in the UK: a practitioner’s view

A recently published UNHCR audit of statelessness determination in the UK showed that, whilst there is some positive practice in the UK’s…
/ Claire Splawn - Statelessness Project Coordinator and Caseworker, Asylum Aid
Man stands in doorway looking down Blog

Statelessness Determination in the UK: UNHCR audit reveals the need for fundamental changes in approaches taken to decision making

UNHCR has published a report detailing findings from its audit of the UK's statelessness determination procedure. The report reveals a number of…
/ Sarah Elliott – Legal Officer, UNHCR UK
UK statelessness travel document Blog

Celebrating Pro Bono Week: How lawyers can support charities to address statelessness

Over the last few years, Akin Gump lawyers have been providing pro bono casework support to Asylum Aid, as well as supporting the development of a…
/ Rebecca Carwood Barron, Christopher Beardmore (Associates at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld) and James Glaysher (Counsel at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld)
Belgian Parliament Blog

The need for a residence permit for stateless people in Belgium

The main issue for stateless people in Belgium remains the absence of the automatic granting of a residence permit to those recognised as stateless…
/ Valérie Klein and Julie Lejeune, NANSEN
British passport Blog

Understanding and addressing childhood statelessness in the UK: Introducing our new project

With a few notable exceptions, statelessness has so far received limited attention among child rights and migration advocates in the UK, yet figures…
/ Jessie Seal, Senior Child Rights Coordinator (UK), European Network on Statelessness

Equating the rights of stateless persons with refugees in Spain

The new law should raise the standard of protection for those applying for stateless status and equate it to Spain’s law on asylum which offers a…
/ Nacho Hernández Moreno. Lawyer, International Affairs Department, Fundación Cepaim

The silent truth about stateless people in Poland

In Poland, statelessness is a small problem. So small in fact, that it's easy to ignore. Government sources provide diverging statistics on the…
/ Katarzyna Przybysławska, Director of the Halina Niec Legal Aid Center

Statelessness in Belgium: a blurred landscape

Over the last few years, procedures to access international protection in Belgium have become more complex. Quality information and support are…
/ Julie Lejeune, NANSEN (Belgian Refugee Council)

Shining a light on devastating effects of statelessness on those living without nationality in Slovenia

The Peace Institute – Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies (PI) is a Slovenian private, independent, non-profit research…
/ Katarina Vučko, The Peace Institute

Using the #StatelessnessIndex as a teaching tool: enhancing the capacity of legal aid centres and improving the quality of legal assistance for stateless people

Comparative tools such as the #StatelessnessINDEX are not only useful for identifying deficiencies in national legal frameworks and assisting in the…
/ Mykhailo Sorochyshyn and Oleksandr Snitko, The Tenth of April