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Intervention before the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
As part of the process of drafting the General Recommendation N° 37 on racial discrimination in the enjoyment of the right to health, ENS submitted…
Spotlighting Romani women’s activism and role in addressing statelessness in Europe
This blog is part of a collaboration between the European Network on Statelessness (ENS) and Romani women activists. Here, we want to draw attention…
Protecting the right to a nationality for children of same-sex couples in the EU – A key issue before the CJEU in V.M.A. v Stolichna Obsthina (C-490/20)
The enjoyment of LGBTIQ* rights varies across Europe. As a result, children of same-sex couples can face problems with recognition of civil status,…
Addressing Roma statelessness in Albania and beyond
On Friday we published the latest report in our #RomaBelong series, a country study focusing on the link between statelessness, marginalisation and…
Citizenship deprivation: differential treatment or discrimination?
After just three months in office, the Netherland’s Minister of Justice, Ferdinand Grapperhaus has already expressed his intention to strip two dual…
Denial and denigration: How discrimination feeds statelessness
Ethnic, national, religious and linguistic minorities make up a disproportionate number of the world’s stateless population. While statelessness may…
The Road to Dignity Beyond Status: Responding to the Secretary-General’s Synthesis Report on the Post-2015 Agenda
Today’s world is a troubled world: one in turmoil and turbulence, with no shortage of painful political upheavals. Societies are under serious…
We Need to Talk About the Nation-State
Eradicating statelessness is high on the agenda. It is under this banner that the statelessness movement is expected to gather steam over the next…