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ENS Publishes Analysis and Recommendations for Implementation of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum
We’ve developed new analysis and recommendations on implementation of new EU Migration & Asylum Pact provisions concerning the identification and…
Raising the Bar: Enhancing Statelessness-Focused Country of Origin Information
In February 2024, the UK Home Office released many reports covering inspections carried out by the former Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and…
Interview with Nina Gregori, Executive Director of the European Union Agency for Asylum
Earlier this month, we spoke with Nina Gregori, Executive Director of the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), about the Agency’s multifaceted…
Refugee Action's Experts by Experience podcast spotlights statelessness
ENS recently partnered with Refugee Action's Experts by Experience podcast to spotlight the issue of statelessness.Â
WEBINAR: Improving identification of statelessness in asylum registration and screening
The first event in our #StatelessJourneys webinar series on Identifying and Addressing Statelessness in the Refugee Context. The webinar from 8 March…
Stateless people at the border: the scenario in Spain
La versión en español de este blog está disponible aquÃ. In terms of support offered to stateless people, in many respects Spain has some of Europe…
Apátridas en la frontera, el caso español
En materia de apoyo ofrecido a las personas apátridas, España, en bastantes aspectos, cuenta con algunos ejemplos de buenas prácticas. Sin embargo,…
Amidst the unspeakable awfulness of the conflict in Ukraine we should not forget the particular protection needs of stateless people
As the number of refugees fleeing Ukraine nears two million, we and our members on the ground have been mobilising to try to get a handle on the…
FRA-ECtHR updated Handbook on European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration: Helping to implement fundamental rights safeguards
European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration is developing fast. The European Convention on Human Rights and European Union (EU) law both…
‘Syria’s Palestinians: A new Nakba’
Palestinian refugees from Syria are among those most impacted by the country’s brutal 10-year conflict. A new report documents the secondary forced…
Navigating intersecting statelessness: Syrian Kurds in Europe
This blog examines the experiences of stateless Syrian Kurds in Europe by looking at how they’ve navigated asylum bureaucracies and their specific…